Personal Development
What is personal development?
“The curriculum extends beyond the academic, technical or vocational. It provides for learners’ broader development, enabling them to develop and discover their interests and talents. The curriculum and the provider’s wider work support learners to develop their character – including their resilience, confidence and independence – and help them know how to keep physically and mentally health. At each stage of education, the provider prepares learners for future success in their next steps and prepares learners for life in modern Britain by: equipping them to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society; developing their understanding of fundamental British values; developing their understanding and appreciation of diversity; celebrating what we have in common and promoting respect for the different protected characteristics as defined in law.” (Ofsted working definition -
Our personal development curriculum at Bredon Hill Academy is a whole school experience. It includes assemblies, educational visits, cultural capital discussions in lessons, student council sessions, extracurricular clubs, Thursday afternoon enrichment lessons, lunchtime clubs, form time and intervention sessions.
It covers the following areas:
- Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education including Relationships and Sex Education
- Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education
- Fundamental British Values: Democracy, Individual Liberty, the Rule of Law and Mutual Respect and Tolerance
- Citizenship Education
- Careers Education
Our Personal Development Curriculum has, at its foundation, a structured programme of PSHE lessons that are timetabled for every year group. In addition to this, many elements of Personal Development are embedded throughout the curriculum, helping our students become well-rounded, confident individuals with the knowledge and skills and enriched experience needed to embrace their next ambitions and exciting steps. Our school values of Belief, Honesty and Aspiration are woven through our Personal Development curriculum enabling pupils to develop their views, their respect for others in society and to have an appetite for challenge in the world in which they live to lead, happy, healthy lives.
Our curriculum is progressive, relevant and responsive to the needs of our students. There are core strands that run through the programme: relationships and sex education (RSE), mental health and well-being, careers, keeping safe, financial education and citizenship.
Flexible learning days enhance this programme and extend the learning, for example, a ‘Step into the NHS’ day to extend careers learning across the school or our ‘Learn to Earn’ day providing the opportunity to learn about managing finances.
Extracurricular opportunities allow students to discover and showcase their talents through House events that encourage creativity, embrace diversity and foster support for one another.
Thursday afternoon Enrichment lessons enhance our curriculum further allowing students to develop their leadership skills through the Young Leaders’ Programme or develop practical skills such as cooking and photography and to develop strategies to promote their mental health.
Bredon Hill Academy students have opportunities to develop confidence, collaboration and communication skills through involvement in performing arts and presenting opportunities – from school drama and musical productions through to participation in assemblies and classroom presentations.
Our range of lunchtime extracurricular activities allows all pupils to experience a wide range of activities to suit many different interests as well as encouraging new opportunities such as bird watching and coding.
Students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through our Young Leaders’ Programme and through taking on roles of responsibility throughout the school.
We continue to build links with outside agencies and businesses to help deliver our curriculum and want to ensure the best possible outcome for every student.
By the end of Year 8 when pupils move to the next stage in their educational journey, they will:
- Demonstrate a healthy outlook towards education helping with attendance and behaviour
- Have a good understanding of healthy relationships and friendships and know how to keep themselves safe.
- Understand and be able to demonstrate the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Rule of Law and Liberty and understand the importance of the Protected Characteristics.
- Have developed emotional resilience.
- Have developed ‘essential skills’ of team work, listening, speaking, staying positive, aiming high, problem solving and creativity - helping them in their journey towards work and life in modern Britain.